
Happy New Year to all of you. May 2019 bring peace, joy, and growth.

I don’t write much anymore. I’m fortunate that life without drinking has become the norm; it’s not something I focus on, worry about, strive for. It’s just a part of my everyday life, and for that I am thankful.

I reached a milestone today: 5,000 miles ridden on my bike. I have set a goal for 2019 to ride even more as a way to keep healthy and stay grounded.

A friend from the soberverse (you know who you are: I’m still reading your posts and cheering for you, if silently!) turned me on to the idea of a ‘word of the year.’ I’ve thought about it a lot, and for 2019 it will be: Build.

I built something this year, a new community organization. It’s been a ton of work, lots of fun, really rewarding and (to my great joy and surprise) wildly successful (at least by my reckoning).

And it made me realize: I should build more. Maybe I’ll try to build some things that will fall down. That’s OK. Maybe I’ll build some things that work. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll build something lasting. Whatever the case, I think 2019 is the year to give it a try. In 2018 I did it for the community. In 2019 I think I need to do it for myself.

I don’t know yet what it will be. I need to explore, to think, to bounce ideas around. But once I come up with it, I need to build it.

Best wishes to all of you.

